Monday, September 24, 2007

My Celiac Food Theory

OK so you've read the title of this blog. So what is my theory? Well I am a man who loves food. You wouldn't know it by looking at me (5' 10" tall & 140 lbs) but for as much of my life as I can remember I have always loved food. When I was diagnosed with Celiac disease about a year and a half ago I thought my love for food was going to be a thing of the past. I can still remember going to the grocery store a couple days after I was diagnosed and looking around and all of the products I was used to eating...aisle after aisle, then looking at "my section" which consisted of about 15 shelves of gluten free products, which were about twice as expensive. It was a fairly depressing night. After trying some bread, cookies, snack bars, etc. I was sure I was going to lose about 20 pounds in the next few weeks. Luckily for me about a year before I was diagnosed I married this wonderful woman who is the best day-to-day cook that I have ever met. She started slowly trying gluten free recipes. It definitely didn't happen overnight, but I'm very happy to say that she has me back on a pretty much normal diet, minus the gluten. I guess I would summarize my theory by saying that one must not give up good food to eat gluten free. It takes time to learn how, but you can eat normally (or at least mostly). That being said, in the next few days I will let you (or I will let her let you in) in on some of her secrets. I will also feature products that I really enjoy, and I will tell you where I buy them.
I'll mention my first featured product here. One of my favorite "normal" cookie product is called "Glutino Lemon Wafers". These "cookies" are just like a normal wafer cookie, and very lemony! We find them at Fred Meyer (in the healthy section), Wild Oats, and Natures. Here is a link to buy them online or just check them out:

That's all for now, just remember you can eat mostly normally, but it will take some work.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Well, here it new blog. The title of my blog is Celiac Ranch. The purpose for this is that I have Celiac disease (Basically a wheat intolerance) and I live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. I plan to blog about my disease and about living the ranch life. I will also blog about random life stuff. Please comment on my blogs if you like, I love to hear what other people think about what I have to say. It also lets me know who is actually reading my blog. So if you read it, please comment on it.
I have to go now, my wife made baked apples and they are almost done! Mmmmm...